Home Ancient Secret Knowledge

Ancient Secret Knowledge

Discover the ancient knowledge and wisdom of the world and reality from the shamans of indigenous cultures to the mystery schools of ancient civilisations. Here you can read articles revealing the ancient knowledge and technology of your ancestors and visitations from ancient astronauts and communications with enlightened extra-terrestrials. Our ancient brothers and sisters discovered that life was a preparation for the passing of a soul from one dimension to another dimension. At a mystery school a soul learns about life, the universe and everything. They take that wisdom forward and develop during their life on Earth. They learn and grow from important life lessons and spiritual training whilst in a physical body. Feel this ancient knowledge and wisdom, and much more, flow through you and give you a sense of true freedom from suffering and escape from the Matrix of Samsara. Scientific evidence for the existence and importance of ancient astronauts and extra-terrestrials will also be explored. This includes key insights into unidentified flying objects (UFO’s), secret government projects, spacecraft technology, and the ground-breaking work of visionary researchers including Erich von Däniken and David Icke. They uncover, translate, and present a rich tapestry of ancient knowledge about ancient sites across the world including the pyramids, and examine ancient astronaut evidence at many locations including Egypt, Easter Island, Nazca, Atlantis, and Lemuria. Read on to discover explosive articles that unlock the ancient secret knowledge, historical, archaeological, and scientific evidence relating to the pyramids and ancient sites around the world and on other worlds in the solar system and beyond. Open your mind, activate your third eye, and apply your accelerated learning to your daily life in today’s busy world. Learn more about the ancient technology, healing methods and meditation techniques used by the Egyptians, the Tibetans, the Vedas, the Chinese, and many others. Plus techniques and technology transmitted across the stars and through space and time by the Arcturians, Pleidians, Lyrans, and many others.

There are seven substantial realities or sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Each sub-plane resonates to a different frequency. The higher sub-planes resonate to higher frequencies and the lower sub-planes resonate to lower frequencies. With the highest frequency planes on...
Time is a fundamental part of nature. Your experience of time's passage is unique. You have a different mix of DNA, ancestry, upbringing, and memories to everyone else on the planet. Since humanity invented tools, we have been obsessed with...
You may intuitively know that something is not quite right about the feel of reality. Modern science is agreeing more and more with ancient knowledge. It is rediscovering that everything in our reality is energy. This energy is never...
The light body, also known as Merkaba, is a "vehicle" of light through which you can travel through time, space and dimension in order to elevate your consciousness and reach the next stage of evolution. It's something which provides the means to high knowledge...
We live in a reality that appears to our senses as three dimensional space that is vast and finite plus a dimension of time that emanates or flows forth through the three dimensions of space. Yet the reality we...
If you've ever come across highly-spiritual individuals who seemed to possess infinite reserves of selflessness and inner peace, you may want to find out they're quite likely to be starseeds. You may have also wondered how it would be like if...
Archeology is discovering more and more about the ancient astronauts who ruled in Samaria millennia ago. Read on to discover how our ancient history and knowledge were influenced by ancient astronauts known as the Anunnaki during biblical times. Ancient Sumerian...
Have you ever experienced a spiritual awakening following a near-death experience (NDE) or had your third eye blown open by DMT? Have you ever wondered if life continues after death? Or do you believe your brain is just electromagnetic...
Did you know that Star Wars is loosely based on ancient galactic wars which lasted for tens of millions of years and ended during biblical times? These events are shrouded in mystery, and vivid stories are painted of ancient...
Since antiquity, our ancient ancestors have been both fascinated and frightened by the prospect of death. From their fascination with what happens after death, our ancient civilisations have created a rich tapestry of ancient knowledge and wisdom which has...
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