Energy healing is an umbrella term for a wide range of spiritual healing practices, ancient and modern, including Reiki, qigong, shamanic, ayurvedic, and quantum healing modalities. With each healing modality, your healer or healing facilitator focuses and guides healing energy to help you reach balance and alignment of your body, mind, and spirit.

So, you may wonder how can you become a master energy healer or facilitator of healing? Read on to discover the many ways you can learn and train in energy healing.

Why Engage in Energy Healing?

Many, if not all, ancient civilisations possessed the ancient knowledge of a comprehensive system of medicine for healing and regenerating your body, mind, and spirit. Energy healing techniques were commonly practised in ancient Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, the Native Americans, and ancient Ayurvedic medicine in India.

In recent years, energy healing has become increasingly popular with a greater number of awakening souls and the advancement of modern science and medical technology. All this helps you to realise the huge potential that lies in your DNA in your pineal gland, and in your soul connection to your higher self. Energy healing works through the manipulation of your subtle energy network that comprises your entire being so that it is in tune with the frequencies and harmonics of the universe.

Energy centres (chakras)

Imbalances in your energy may be seen as blockages in your body’s aura, overactive energy centres, or the influence of negative entities on your energy field. These can all cause obstructions to the flow of your energy. If certain blockages are not cleared in time, then you will experience physical or mental illness. Whilst you can see you doctor for tests, scans, and treatment, it would be great if you could stop the root cause of future illnesses, so you don’t come down with serious diseases. Energy healing aims to do this and a lot more.

Remember that energy is what your whole body is made of. Your energy includes atoms, cells, organs, thoughts, emotions, and your subtle electromagnetic energy field. Your body’s energy field is intelligent. It mirrors the health of your body, mind, and spirit, and it regulates your healing, wellbeing, and health. When your energy field is balanced you will experience an increased flow of life-sustaining subtle energy and your thoughts, speech, and actions will be aligned with those of your soul and the universe.

How to Train Yourself in Energy Healing

As an energy healer, or facilitator of energy healing, you are aiming to restore balance to the flow of energy within yourself or a client during an energy healing session. You must be committed and full-on with your own healing and healthy living too so you can be the best energy healer that you can be. The key is to practice, practice, practice, until energy healing is as natural as breathing or walking.

Preparing for Healing

It is always wise to practice on yourself whilst you are learning energy healing. This gives you the opportunity to try and test different energy healing techniques and learn from experienced healers online so that you are familiar and comfortable with your own energy as well as the art of channelling healing energy from your guides or source energy. It is important that you don’t feel drained or depleted of energy when healing. You are not using your own energy and act as a channel or facilitator for high vibrational healing energy to flow effortlessly through you.  Remember that you are helping your clients to heal themselves as an energy healing facilitator.

To help you along the way, there are many YouTube videos with advice and free training and Udemy offers some in depth cheap courses in spiritual topics including energy healing and light language. If you Google ‘energy healing’ you will discover an overwhelming choice of options on the healing menu. You can also join online communities via social media.

Reiki hands

When you feel ready to practice on other people you can ask friends, colleagues, or family to be your patients, or join a local group to learn the ropes. You may, for example, start with a Reiki share group and go for Reiki training, and later go for energy healing training courses such as Star Magic Healing Facilitator 1. Then you may feel inspired to set up your own website, record, and upload YouTube videos of your healing and spiritual experienced and practice more.

Training in Reiki and Energy Healing Modalities

You can train in energy healing via energy healing courses and workshop. Workshops are usually delivered in taught in small groups of 5 to 15 healers. Depending on the modality you will cover the basics (protection, grounding, energy body, energy centres, etc.), energy activations, guided meditations healing techniques, card readings, channelling light language for healing, quantum healing techniques, etc.

Reiki is very popular and effective energy healing modality for physical relaxation and healing. Reiki 1 and 2 training gives you access to certain symbols and healing energies which you channel through your energy channels and out of your hands. Activations and energy healing upgrades will accelerate your spiritual awakening and ascension through activation of your higher senses, energy sensitivity and intuition and of your sensitivity to your energy and the energy of the world around you. Energy healing training will also enhance many aspects of your personal and spiritual life.

Heart energy and aura

Experienced energy healers will have been guided to use a range of healing energies that harmonise and synergise well together. There are many healing energies that heal you or a client at the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.  At the emotional level, energy healing can help with the release of trauma and repressed energies as well as promote emotional balance, and inner child work. At the mental level, energy healing helps you to manage your thoughts, beliefs, patterns and habits, and perspectives. At the spiritual level, energy healing can be used for healing timelines and karma, past-life healing, and soul path guidance.

Using Spiritual Healing Training Schools

For a deeper dive you may choose to join an energy healing school. Where you can learn the theory and history and scientific theory of energy healing and learn the techniques and modalities of energy healing in a practical way. Training sessions have a taught element and a larger practical element in small groups if face to face, or breakout rooms if on zoom online.

Energy healing training programs can last a few days, weeks, months or for years.  For example, the basic training in Reiki is taught over a weekend. The Reiki master training can take a year or longer to complete.  If you are training in massage therapy and energy healing, then it can take 500 to 1,000 hours to complete your training.

Basic energy healing, such as Reiki 1 and 2, can cost little to do, typically a few hundred pounds. Longer more in-depth energy healing training programs such as those at energy healing, massage, or psychic schools can set you back between £5,000 and £15,000. This may be a great investment for your energy healing business as the certifications may help to earn your trust with many clients.

Meditation Energy

Do You Need a Certifications to Practice Energy Healing?

Although there are no regulations required for energy healers in the UK, the US government have tried to impose strict regulations with high licence fees is some US states.  Where there is no licensing, professional certification is available if you want it. The International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) and the International Energetic Healing Association are two organisations that offer professional certificates for energy healing. You may also wish to contact professional energy healing institutes for accreditation such as the IARP (International Association of Reiki Professionals) and the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).

In the UK, massage therapists are not regulated by law, but they can be registered with a PSA Accredited Register to ensure good standards. Massage therapy is regulated in many countries including many US states, and some countries in Europe. So, to practice massage therapy in those states and countries, you require certification in massage therapy. This may also be true if you plan to use energy healing with massage therapy so ensure that you check the laws of your country before offering these therapies to clients.

Exploring Careers in Energy Healing

Graduates of energy healing schools and experienced healers have a positive career outlook. Careers in energy healing are wide ranging and the demand for energy healers is increasing at about 40% per year. As more souls spiritually awaken, the demand for energy healers is increasing in many countries.

Shamanic Energy Healing

Energy healers will often combine their energy healing training with massage therapy, acupressure, light language, or sound healing. Your income as an energy healer will vary depending on your pricing, client demand, location, and how much time and effort you put into your energy healing business.

You may be able to work with medical practitioners in a private clinic for alternative medicine or holistic therapy. Energy healers help clients with anxiety, chronic pain, and managing the side effects of cancer treatment.

Energy healing is a career that you love, and you have some degree of psychic sensitivity and compassion which you bring to the table with clients as well as a dedicated lifestyle for holistic healing and intuitive knowledge of the interactive processes of the human body and its energy fields. Energy healing training will help you to level-up your energy healing skills and your energy healing business as well as gain client confidence and testimonials.


Take your energy healing training to the next four levels with Star Magic’s facilitator training which will transform your world in the most magical way and accelerate your healing vocation to new levels. We also have our free 7-day trial of Infinity where you can test drive our suite of amazing ascension tools for free right now.

Explore Star Magic healing, meditations, and workshops, at where you can further explore energy healing with many powerful ascension tools that will increase your vibration, expand your consciousness, and reunite you with your soul.


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