How Energy Healing Can Change Your Life for the Better

It pleases me immensely when I see more and more people understand the power of energy healing because I truly believe we can control...

3 Types of Healing You Should Know About and Practice

Modern times have allowed for a multitude of types of healing to be accessible to the large public. Which brings both a wider palette of...

Increment Your Existence & Get a New Perspective upon Life

Do you know that phrase which goes 'easier said than done'? You must be encountering it on a regular basis. It is the phrase which...

3 Issues Vibrational Healing Can Help You Alleviate

You may have seen those cool heat maps showing how emotions correlate to body temperature. Well, you'd get the same if there were heat maps...

The Pleiadians

The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful, dazzling stars located in the constellation of Taurus.  With a telescope, you can see about one-hundred stars. ...

Sacred Geometry and Light Codes

Sacred geometry involves sacred universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. The...